寧波普銳電子科技有限公司前身為慈溪網通電子有限公司(CWT) 是一家集研發、制造、營銷、服務于一體的DIP撥碼開關和精密連接專業制造商。CWT座落于上海、杭州、寧波三大都市經濟金三角的中心 —— 慈溪,現廠房占地面積過8500平方米。CWT積累了近25年研發及生產經驗,暢銷海內外50多個國家。 Ningbo Purui Electronic Technology Co.,Ltd (CWT) is engaged in the design, manufacture and sale of DIP Switches and Waterproof Connectors and calls on its extensive experience of maintaining competence in the market since 1989 to provide a range of effective and reliable CWT electronic products for more than 50 countries all over the world. CWT is located in the Golden Triangle Area in Shanghai, Hangzhou and Ningbo Province – Cixi. The Factory covers an area of more than 8500㎡.